The Watchtower's history is complex, as I show in my Study:
The Study is searchable, so look for terms such as "Jonadabs", "Great Crowd", and so on.
Terms experience several transitions, at times experiencing 180 degree change. For example, in 1931, Rutherford applied the term "Jehovah's Witnesses" exclusively to the Anointed. It took a further 15 years or so until the name was gradually extended to the "Great Crowd" (previously known as the "Jonadabs"). Also, in the WTS's earlier manifestations, the term Great Crowd was used to describe the "great unwashed".
People here are very familiar with this phenomenon, when the Governing Body stood its "Faithful and Discreet Slave Class" on its head by changing its meaning from the "Anointed 144,000 on earth" to mean the "Governing Body".